About Factory Direct Car Audio
Factory Direct's founder, Bill Faber, began making watches by hand at fourteen years of age. He graduated to electronics and went on to work with a slate of great companies before hanging his own shingle with Factory Direct Car Audio. Since Bill opened our doors in 1988, Factory Direct has grown into a nationwide provider of audio, security, and starter components for vehicles of all kinds. We have survived downturns, recessions, and now a pandemic, and plan to keep our doors open for another 34 years!
It says a lot that Factory Direct Car Audio has grown to become a nationwide provider while maintaining our local presence here in the state of Michigan. No one in the industry provides the personalized service of a local outfit with the efficiency and effectiveness of a major provider. Best of all, we offer top-quality products at the industry's lowest wholesale prices. Since opening, our top priority has been to get customers exactly what they need, precisely when they need it---which we accomplish by maintaining full inventory and shipping on-demand.